root-cause healing with
mind-body nourishment

If you feel like you’ve tried everything to feel good in and about your body, you’re tired of DIY-ing your health, and you’re ready for answers you deserve to make changes that LAST, you’re in the right place.

Hi, I’m Sam!

—and I have been in your shoes.

I struggled with painful periods, severe digestive issues, acne, low energy, brain fog, the list goes on.

It wasn’t until I finally took a root-cause approach to my healing that I finally saw (and more importantly, FELT) results.


“I absolutely loved working with Sam! When I first started, I had persistent symptoms that I had been dealing with for years. I had just begun an intense academic program, and I don't think I would've gotten through the first year without Sam's help! My symptoms became more manageable after only a couple of months, and all but disappeared by the time we had worked together for 7 months. I cannot recommend Sam enough!!”


Not sure what your best next step is? Schedule a complimentary consultation to learn more about my services and chat through what route is best for you!